ETF Rotation, Long term and intraday
This is the Morales and Kacher webinar but with a cursor highlighter. For some unknown reason, the cursor did not record in the prior video.
Ron Brown is a HGSI power user and works directly with Gil Morales to implement the Morales and Kacher Buyable Gaps and Pocket Pivot strategies into HGSI. In this webinar… read more →
Installing the Woodward and Brown Views, Filters and Combo Ranking and the WB SmartGroups into the new intraday version of HGSI Investor. A follow up note: The WB SmartGroups were… read more →
An introduction to my views, filters and combo rankings in the new intraday version of HGS Investor Software. [youtube]
An Introduction to the new fields and features in the intraday version of HGS Investor software. [youtube]
Indexing Intraday, or at Market Close with the delayed intraday data version of HGS Investor. [youtube]
Promotional video for my Daily Report. What the report contains. [youtube]